An Acceptable Level of Lump

An acceptable level of lump Recently during a beer tasting a cracked open a few cans of a beer I had been warned about, and on seeing the contents gush/gunk out like frothy peanut butter I started to wonder if a) the beer itself was drinkable (or edible, such was the lump to liquid ratio) […]

Lager and the importance of time

A lot of brewers say pilsners are the hardest beers to brew, but are they really? Sure, if something goes wrong there is nowhere to hide, a good pilsner should be clean, crisp and balanced, hence any little off-flavours or mistakes will be magnified, but I actually think to brew a pilsner is not particularly […]

beer testing

Beer Tasting – Discovering Grisette

Style highlight – Grisette After a long day’s brewing, which is very hot work (and sadly we are now out of the approximately two months a year in which a brewery is at a reasonable temperature), I like to crack open a cold can of porter. People often think I’m bonkers for this. ‘Why on […]